28 June 2010

Trying to Recoup

Yesterday was a ME day. I was still in a hard battle with this nasty cold. When I woke up Sunday morning I could barely talk. I had so much gunk in my throat that all day long every other syllable was high pitched or low pitched, or you could barely hear what I was saying at all. I was still stuffed up and fighting a fever. I got up with the kids at 7 to take care of them and feed them. At 9 Jordyn was ready for her first nap and Uriah was grouchy, so I had to go wake up Jared. I had to get right close to him on his side of the bed and, even though I felt like I was yelling, he could barely hear me. After he got up and got dressed I went back to bed...for 5 hours! Yeah, that's right...5 hours! I have never felt so good after such a long nap. I know my body really needed it. I am still fighting some stuffiness and throat gunk, but I'm definitely better.

We have started feeding Jordyn baby food. We could tell she was ready because every time we ate in front of her she would stare at us and kick her legs and flail her arms all around. She took to it like a fish to water. She has already tried Sweet Potatoes, Applesauce, Carrots and Pears.
In these pictures, she is working on jar of pears. She thought they were scrumptious.

This was great timing on Daddy's part. I love her face!

Believe it or not, she ate the whole jar of pears! I was surprised. And afterwards, she had 3 oz. of formula. She is turning into a little piglet! I am glad that feeding her is going so well. I can't wait to see what happens when we try the green veggies...

Yesterday was a very hot day, so we let the kids run and roll around without clothes. I think naked babies are cute, so I just had to take some pictures.

Uriah being his little camera-hog self again. He can't help but want to be right there in front of the camera.
Happy little girl!
Uriah decided he wanted to lay by Jordyn on the floor and she was all smiles. She loves it when Uriah gets close to her.

All in all, the weekend was actually very good. One of the better ones that I can remember for a long time. Incredibly, it didn't zoom by like most weekends, at least, it didn't feel like it. Even though I was sick, we had enough good memories to make it all worth it.

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