28 June 2010

Scouting It Out

This last weekend was Uriah's and Jordyn's first camping trip ever to Scout Mountain. We got up there Friday night and stayed until Saturday night. We would have been there until Sunday but I was sick with a bad cold and didn't think I could stand another sleepless night. We camped with my parents and sisters and brother and included family. I love being in the mountains. They bring me so much peace and it's a great place for the kids to wear themselves down!

Jordyn took her naps in the car seat. This is the first time she has worn her Idaho State jacket, and she looked super cute in it (^_^)

The kids watching The Princess and the Frog on my iPad. I know it kind of takes away from the camping experience, but when you've got 5 kids to try to calm down at 8 at night, I couldn't think of a better way...and it worked!

Jordyn in her favorite saucer again. This comes in very handy when you are trying to get a meal made or chase after another little boy who is trying to run down the road.

Jordyn got her first camping bath. The whole fun of taking a baby bath while you are camping is how the parents improvise. This bath was taken in a plastic tote that once had silverware and other necessities in it.

I love her face in this picture, and her cute little baby boobies!

Jordyn and daddy spending time together when we first got to the camp spot. Jordyn was taking in the surroundings, unsure of where she really was.

Uriah doing some exploring. He seemed to be just as happy playing in a car or truck as he was wandering around.

The three little ones relaxing. This was just after Uriah's nasty spill on a trike. He was going downhill so fast that he got scared, put his feet down and went head over heels over the handlebars. The result, his first scrapes: one on his elbow, one on his knee and one on the top of his hand. You can kind of see the one on his knee in this picture. Grandpa got a video of the crash that I am hoping to get up on here soon. I think Uriah was pretty lucky, considering!

If I hadn't been so sick, I would have enjoyed myself so much more, but it was still lots of fun. The really hard part was that night. I couldn't sleep because my nose was 100% plugged, no air getting through at all, so I had to breathe through my mouth. I also had been fighting a fever so I had the chills and was trying to scrunch myself up in my sleeping bag, and I had to go to the bathroom but I was too chicken to get out of the tent and make the walk to the out house. Eventually I had to do it, and once I went to the bathroom, had taken some tylenol and put on a jacket, I finally starting dozing off. Then about an hour later I woke up sweating all over and too hot, and then about an hour later Jordyn had woken up and decided she didn't want to sleep in the car seat anymore. Needless to say, I didn't actually start sleeping well until the sun started to come up, but a little sleep is better than none at all. We have another camping trip coming up in the middle of July, and I'm hoping that one will be much better.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun!! Don't you just love camping! It is not fun when you don't feel very good.
