14 June 2010

So Far, So June

It has almost been a month since I've written. Naughty me! Although I can't really remember anything really fantastic happening in the past month, I guess I should look at every day as fantastic, because I am alive, breathing, my family is alive and well and I am very blessed.When the weather is nice I have been taking the kids to the park to play, usually after I would walk for 2 or 3 miles. Sometimes we will go visit grandma and grandpa because they have a fenced in back yard. G&G have a small swing set and the park by our house has a lot of toys. Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying good weather.

The kids are just growing, growing, growing! Jordyn will be 6 months on the 23 and Uriah will be 2 on the 21. I can't believe that it was two years ago that I was ready to pop little Uriah out and that he would soon be a part of our lives. He makes me so happy. He loves to give hugs and kisses and even though it kind of annoys me when he pulls on my shirt or hugs my legs, I know it is because he loves his mommy. Jordyn just rolls and rolls and rolls and rolls anywhere she wants to. When she is on her tummy she lifts herself up with her arms and then shoves herself backwards. Then when she can't go anymore she starts to get fussy. It's so cute to see her scoot backwards instead of forwards. She is really close to getting her knees up under her and then before we know it she will be crawling. She can also sit up really well. She is still a little tipsy but she can sit up straight for about 30 seconds or more. Uriah loves sharing a room with his baby sister, although we frequently find him in the crib laying by her or on top of her, giving her hugs and kisses and saying "night night". We have to teach him that it's not okay to lay on top of her, but she just smiles and coos at him when he does.
When Jared started his summer classes we got a little bit of financial aid, which I went and splurged (partially) on a new stroller. What we really dreamed for was a charriot, but those run just under $1000, so there was no way we were going to buy one of those. Anyway, I settled for a two kid Jeep stroller. It can even hold a car seat if you have one to use, so that is what we do when we put Jordyn in it. Ever since I got it I've taken the kids for walks almost every week day and it has really been worth the money. It is a little heavy of course, but that just adds to my workout. Jordyn loves that she can see mommy the whole time and Uriah really likes that he has his own steering wheel and cup holder for snacks or for his sippy cup.

The weather has been on and off nice and not so nice. The week of Memorial Day it rained pretty much every day until the weekend, which is odd for our area. I love it when it rains, but when it's 5 straight days in a row I figure I might as well move to Seattle (^_^)
My brother and sis-in-law had a house warming party because they moved into a new apartment and we had a good time eating food and chatting. The kids had some fun too, and we sneaked Jordyn her first taste of whipped cream.

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