20 June 2011

The Terrible....3s??

Okay, so I thought they were called the Terrible 2s! Honestly, Uriah's second year wasn't a bad one. He learned to talk a lot more, learned how to use the big boy potty, and has grown in more ways than we could imagine. But now that he is going to turn 3, it just seems like he has become our little terror. He says "no" to EVERYTHING we ask him to do, his new favorite past time is beating on his little sister, and he seems to whine over the tiniest things. Yes, I know that he is little and that at this age he is learning how to express his emotions, but BOY does it wear on me pretty quickly!

When Uriah started going to day care he fell in love with puzzles, so when we went on our big trip to Utah we bought his a giant dinosaur puzzle.
He puts it together almost every day, and he can put it together without any help now. He is so smart!
 June has been the busiest month I can remember in a while, but we have had some great events happen. On the 4th, we got to go to the Idaho Falls temple where Jared's uncle got his endowment. He had been inactive from the church since he was a teenager and it was a great blessing for Jared's family to see his uncle in the temple, something they had been waiting and praying for for many years. On the 11th our apartment complex had it's annual garage sale and we put out some stuff we couldn't wait to get rid of. We sold about half our things and made around $50, but then we walked around the garage sale and bought some things, like this:
Jordyn's new toddler bed. We decided she was active old enough to be taken out of the crib. It was the first time we have had our crib taken down since Uriah was born. When we put the bed in her room she was so excited that she could get in and out of it whenever she wanted. For $15, I felt like it was a pretty good deal. The only problem we have now is that if we put the 2 kids to bed at the same time, then Jordyn will climb out of her bed and go stand by Uriah's bed and bug him so he can't sleep. We decided that it would be best for Uriah if we put Jordyn to bed first and then when she was asleep, put Uriah to bed. That seems to have fixed that problem, for now.

This last weekend (the 18th) we got to go to the temple again to see Jared's uncle get sealed for time and eternity to his beautiful girlfriend. It was the first time ever that all of Jared's family had been in the temple at the same time. Emotions were high because everyone was so happy. It really was a spectacular day! (Silly me had left my recommend at home, but thanks to an awesome bishop, I was able to attend the sealing!)
Yesterday was Father's Day and I planned a nice BBQ for my hubby and bros-in-law. We made some yummy kabobs and steaks and I also made some homemade cupcakes with cream cheese frosting on top.

Don't they look yummy? I must say, I was very pleased with how they turned out, and they were eaten very quickly!

I got Jared an air compressor that was on sale at Lowe's. 

Every time I asked him what he wanted for Father's Day, he would say "eh...I dunno". So, I did my own searching around and decided this would be the best gift and that he would never expect it. When he opened it yesterday, he said "Awesome, this is EXACTLY was I asked for!"
"HOLD IT!" I said, "you didn't ask for ANYTHING, so don't you try to take the credit for my awesome gift!" Hee Hee. He was happy, and that's all that mattered to me :)

Tomorrow is Uriah's birthday, and this weekend is when we will have his party, and I'm pretty excited. I think tomorrow we will give him one present so that he feels like it's actually his birthday, and we will save the rest for Saturday. He is going to have a CARS themed party, and I am going to try my hand at making a Lightning McQueen cake. I am pretty nervous about making it, but I am also excited to try it. If it looks like crap, you definitely won't see pictures of it on here ;)

In other news, we have discovered that if Uriah is taking a bath and Jordyn isn't, it doesn't stay that way for very long. The other night we decided Uriah needed a bath because he was dirty, but Jordyn had just had a bath the day before. Well, as you can see...
 ...Jordyn felt like she deserved a bath too, and the next thing we knew...
...we heard a big SPLASH, only to find Jordyn in the tub with Uriah and all her clothes on. *sigh* How is it that such a big mess can be so cute??

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