14 March 2012

One Born Every Minute

At least, that's what it felt like during that last week of February/first of March.
When we took this picture around the end of 2011, we had no idea how close our children would actually be. In order, #1 was due February 17th, I was due February 29th and #3 was due late March. As it turned out, #1 was 10 days overdue and was born on February 27th, 2012. My baby was right on time, and #3 was 4 weeks early and came on March 1, 2012. So, for future reference, since my baby's real birth date will only come around every 4 years, we will probably be celebrating birthdays on February 27th, 28th, and March 1st every year. Crazy, I know!

Now, I think it's time I started talking about my newest little bundle of joy. I told my doctor that if I was going to be induced, I really wanted to be induced the night of the 28th/morning of the 29th so that my baby would come on her due date. After my doc looked into it, labor and delivery told him they were going to be completely full that day, so he had to schedule me to go in on the night of the 27th. I was a little sad that I wouldn't get to have a leap day baby, but I honestly didn't care because I just wanted to hold my baby and be done with the pregnancy. So on the night of the 27th I called labor and delivery about coming in and they told me that they were really busy and that they would call me if they could take me in that night. I did a lot of waiting and never got a call back. I figured that I would just have to wait for labor to come on its own now. Then, on the morning of the 28th, I got a call from a nurse in labor and delivery saying that they wanted me to come in that night because my doctor asked them to take me. Apparently, they weren't going to be as full as they thought they were. So we made the necessary arrangements and that night at 9 we went to the hospital. I was already having contractions, and when I got into the hospital bed and got hooked up they told me I was having regular contractions every few minutes and I was dilated to a 2.
To make a long story short, from about 10:30pm to 6:30am I had two doses of a cervix-softening pill
and only dilated 2 more centimeters. Around 7am my doctor came in and broke my water and I asked the nurse to give me some medication through my IV that would help me relax between contractions. For the next 45 minutes or so, I could breathe through the contractions and get along without too much hardship. Jared even helped me eat some jello since I was hungry. For the last 30-45 minutes, the pain got so bad that all I could do was grip the rail of my bed with one hand and Jared's hand with the other and try to breathe. Thankfully the meds they gave me helped me relax between contractions, and very soon I was telling the nurse that I could feel the pressure I needed to feel to push. I asked them if I could push when I felt ready and they told me I could. I asked them this 3 times because when Jordyn was born, they weren't ready for me to push when I was ready. They started getting everything set up they needed to catch the baby. My doctor was rounding the hall checking on patients and they asked him if it was okay for me to start pushing. He said it was okay. I asked the nurse one more time if I could push when I felt like I needed to and she said that I could and then they would see what kind of "pusher" I was. Well, one contraction later I gave a push and the baby's head crowned. One of the nurses went to get my doctor, but he was down the hall delivering another baby. I pushed again and my baby's head came out. The nurse asked me if I could stop pushing and, very nicely, I told her that I couldn't stop. They tried to get my doctor to my room but he couldn't leave his other patient. I heard them say that the doctor wasn't going to make it and I pushed one more time and my little girl was out. There was no one there to catch her and she just laid there on the bed for a few seconds.

They put her up on my chest so I could hold her and she wasn't really moving or anything, but she looked okay. I asked the nurses if she was okay and they said everything was fine. They whisked her away to clean her up and my doctor finally came in to check on me and finish everything up. I wasn't hearing any crying and I began to wonder what was up. I couldn't see her because the warming bed was across the room and my doctor was working on giving me 2 stitches and I couldn't see around him. After a few minutes, I finally heard my baby cry for the first time. I felt relieved, but shortly afterwards I learned that they had to put a small oxygen mask on her face and massage her chest a little bit. She wasn't really in any serious danger, they just wanted to help her out a little. My doctor finished up his stuff, shook my hand and told me congratulations, and I could finally relax and wait to get my baby back.

Bonnie Lyn McCurdy was born at 8:30 am on February 29th, 2012. She was 7 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long. She had some nice, dark brown hair all over her head and quite a bit of peach fuzz that covered her back and shoulders.

We think she looks more like a McCurdy than a Nichols.

Proud daddy holding little Bonnie.

Me and my twin brother and our babies. His little guy was born on February 27th, after missing his due date by 10 days!

Getting ready to go home.

Relaxing at home.

What a great miracle it is that my Heavenly Father allows me to bring children into the world without complications. I consider myself a very lucky woman.


  1. Love it :) We truly are blessed to have such easy delivery's :) I can't wait meet Miss Bonnie :) CoNgRaTs!!!

  2. Congrats on your new little one!! She is adorable

  3. Oh so sweet! Congratulations! She's so beautiful.

  4. Yay!!! She is beautiful!! I am so excited for you. I hope that you are feeling well! I am glad that everything went so wonderfully...all things considered. Give her a little extra love for me! :)
