18 September 2015

T Minus 6 Days, and Counting

Well, it's 6 days until this baby girl is due to be born and I still feel like it's months away. I'm not feeling any contractions or cramps or anything, just tired as usual. At my doctor appointment on Tuesday the doc said I wasn't even dilated to a 1, yet he somehow found a way to strip my membranes, which I barely felt and was not nearly as bad as a lot of women have told me it would be. He once told me that he would not induce me unless I was a week past my due date, but on Tuesday he told me he forgot he had to be to a conference in Denver on the 28th and will likely induce me on the 25th if I don't go into labor before then. So, if the baby doesn't come in the next 6 days, we will be bringing her out in a week. The doc thinks she will be small, maybe closer to 7 pounds (like Uriah) than 8 pounds (like the girls). I have been thinking the same thing, since I don't feel or look as big as I did when I was pregnant with the other kids. I guess we will see soon enough.

The kids are very excited about her coming soon. I got the car seat out of storage and Bonnie thought that meant the baby was coming home that day. I had to tell her that the baby wasn't coming just yet, but that we needed to get ready for her. All of J's coworkers at the hospital are asking him when I'm due and are excited to be there and see the baby when she is born. I told J I am expecting some royal treatment out there since they are all at the edge of their seats waiting for this baby to come. J is really looking forward to getting 2 weeks off  and so he is wanting her to come ASAP. He has been working hard the past year and has only taken 2 vacation days and no sick days, so I think he deserves a break. Of course, it won't be much of a break since he will be taking care of me and all the kids. I'm sure after the first week he will be ready to go back to work, ha ha.

We have been doing a lot of canning. I guess that means harvest is in full swing. We have canned spaghetti sauce and salsa. This weekend we are going to pickle cucumbers and we bought 4 boxes of peaches at a farmer's market and will can those too. We have to do this when J is home since being on my feet for a certain amount of time makes my ankles swell up. I have been surprised that my feet haven't swollen as much as they have during my other 3 pregnancies. J is kind of disappointed that he can't poke holes in my skin with his finger and watch them slowly fill back in. I guess that is a good thing. I am thankful that I have been healthy with this pregnancy and have only had to be on allergy meds. I did get a few upper respiratory infections in the past 9 months but thankfully antibiotics helped me through those. I am grateful to have such an awesome doctor and a medically mindful husband.

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