26 July 2011

Not So Fast...

Okay, so I was a little premature in saying that I was 12 weeks along. I mean, according to my last "monthly fun time", I would have been 12 weeks, but when I went to the doctor for my first exam he told me that I didn't even feel like I was 8 weeks yet and he ordered an ultrasound. Well, that got me freaking out and thinking that something had happened and the baby had stopped growing and my mind was just running away to scary thoughts. Really, there was no reason for it to do that, but that's just how I am! A few hours later I went to the ultrasound and everything was okay. There was a baby inside of me about the size of a kidney bean and it had a very strong heartbeat. They told me that I was about 7 weeks 6 days along and that my due date was February 29th, 2012.   ......February 29th..... It really didn't hit me until I was talking to my mother about it and she said, "Wait, is there a 29th of February next year?" It completely left my mind that, more often than not, the month of February ends on the 28th LOL. When I told Jared about it he thought it would be really exciting to have a leap year baby. I mean, that opportunity only comes around every 4 years, right? Anyway, we will have to see how things go. We still have a ways to go. My first two babies were pretty much right on time, so if this one doesn't come early, maybe a leap year baby wouldn't be too bad to plan for (^_^)


  1. That's so cool! Congratulations!!

  2. Kalen is a leap year baby! He only gets a party every 4 years. Good luck:)

  3. That would be AWESOME!! February is a good month in General. :)
