04 August 2009


Ok everyone, here it is. We have had our ultrasound and gotten our official due date. The ultrasound showed a perfectly healthy baby girl, and she is going to be due...yes...on Christmas Eve. So, my hopes of a better due date were shot, but that's alright. The ultrasound was the coolest thing ever because we actually watched her move her mouth open and shut like she was eating, and we saw her stick her fingers in her mouth. My aunt was doing the ultrasound and she said that it was rare to actually see the baby's fingers go in their mouth during an ultrasound. It was really a very neat experience. I was secretly hoping for another little boy but all of my gut feelings had been telling me that it was going to be a girl whether I wanted to admit it or not. I'm just glad I can call my baby "she" instead of "it" :) Now I've just got to find a whole bunch of girl clothes cuz all I have right now are boy clothes. We do have a name picked out but we are not telling ANYONE, no matter how special you think you are *wink wink* It will be hard to keep it a secret but we want something about this pregnancy to be a surprise. I had initially wanted the gender of the baby to be a surprise but my hubby shot that idea down very quickly. He wasn't too excited about the idea. So we decided to keep the name a secret. That seemed fair enough to me. Now all I have to do is tell my new bosses that I am pregnant. I really don't know how I'm going to get that done. I'm pretty nervous about it, but I know once I do it will be a big weight off my shoulders. Well, that's all for now. We got home late last night so I will post the ultrasound pictures later.

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting congradulations!!
